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Product no.: OP001
ERGAL 7075-T6 alloy extruse and draw. Hard anodized 50 microns with Teflon protection-Seriteflon patented.
530.71 *
Delivery weight: 5 kg
Product no.: OP002
A bendy boom, which comes with a bridle, will flatten and depower the sail which enables the lightweight sailor to go faster in more wind.
601.06 *
Delivery weight: 4 kg
Product no.: OP221
Made of the highest grade aluminium available. (7075 T6 Aerospace spec. alloy) and the super stiff BLACK GOLD mast and sprit can be used with a choice of booms :The 32 mm BLACKLITE boom. A bendy boom, which comes with a bridle, will flatten and depower the sail which enables the lightweight sailor to go faster in more wind. The 40 mm BLACKGOLD boom. A stiff and lightweight boom, which comes with a bridle and suitable for the majority of sailors. The ultra stiff (and yet lightweight) boom can be used without a bridle. This enables the larger sailor to jump across the boat and not too far aft while tacking.
599.82 *
Delivery weight: 4 kg
Product no.: OP003

Ideal for the light weight sailor who has just started racing. Made of temered 6082 aluminium tube. The lightweight 40mm silver boom is much stiffer than the school boom and will allow the sailor to put more tension on the leach. The silver sprit has 15cm anti chafe protectiontubing.

399.00 *
Delivery weight: 4 kg
Product no.: OP002A

High quality alloy. Stiff mast. 45 mm boom. 29" gaaf. For high performance sailors.

623.27 *
Delivery weight: 5 kg
Product no.: OP004

The SCHOOL Ø 45 x 2 mm mast, Ø 31.75 X1.6 mm boom and Ø 25.4 x 1.6 mm sprit are all made of tempered 6082 Aluminum tube. The SCHOOL mast is fitted with a stainless steel halyard block, a stainless steel halyard and downhaul cleat, a nylon pin stop and two stainless steel eyes for fixing the head of the sail. The SCHOOL boom has blue nylon in- and outboard end fittings, a stainless steel outhaul cleat and nylon fittings for the mainsheet and downhaul. The SCHOOL sprit has blue nylon sprit ends.

220.92 *
Delivery weight: 5 kg
Product no.: OP005
ERGAL 7075-T6 alloy extruse and draw. Hard anodized 50 microns with Teflon protection-Seriteflon patented.
278.30 *
Delivery weight: 3 kg
Product no.: OP006
A bendy mast that will flatten and depower the sail to enable the lightweight sailor to go faster in stronger winds.
403.58 *
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Product no.: OP006A
High quality alloy. Stiff mast for high performance sailors.
409.75 *
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Product no.: OP226
Made of 7075 T6 Aerospace spec. alloy, the highest grade aluminium available. The super stiff BLACK GOLD mast can be used with a choice of booms.
406.05 *
Delivery weight: 3 kg
Product no.: OP007

Ideal for the light weight sailor who has just started racing. Made of temered 6082 aluminium tube.

215.80 *
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Product no.: OP008
The SCHOOL Ø 45 x 2 mm mast is made of tempered 6082 Aluminum tube. Fitted with a stainless steel halyard block, a stainless steel halyard and downhaul cleat, a nylon pin stop and two stainless steel eyes for fixing the head of the sail.
132.06 *
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Product no.: OP009
Bendi boom for lighter sailors. Made of ERGAL 7075-T6 alloy extrude and draw. Hard anodized 50 microns with Teflon protection-Seriteflon patented.
148.10 *
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Product no.: OP009A
Stiff boom for expert sailors. Made of ERGAL 7075-T6 alloy extrude and draw. Hard anodized 50 microns with Teflon protection-Seriteflon patented.
172.79 *
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Product no.: OP010
Bendy boom, which comes with a bridle, will flatten and depower the sail which enables the lightweight sailor to go faster in more wind.
148.10 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Product no.: OP010A
High quality alloy. Stiff mast. 45 mm boom. 29" sprit. For high performance sailors.
160.45 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Product no.: OP227
Stiff and lightweight boom suitable for the majority of sailors. Comes with a bridle.
140.70 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Product no.: OP229
Ultra stiff and lightweight boom can be used without a bridle. Enables the larger sailor to jump across the boat and not too far aft while tacking.
185.13 *
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Product no.: OP011

Much stiffer than the school boom. Will allow the sailor to put more tension on the leach.

135.00 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Product no.: op012

Blue nylon in- and outboard end fittings. Stainless steel outhaul cleat and nylon fittings for the mainsheet and downhaul.

58.08 *
Product no.: OP013
Sprite for Giulietti Mast set
117.25 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Product no.: OP014
27 mm diam. Designed to be light and strong giving the best power to weight ratio available.
92.57 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Product no.: OP014A
Rigid hanger suitable for sailors and high weight.
92.57 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Product no.: OP228
27 mm. Black anodized aluminum.
92.57 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Product no.: OP015

27 mm. Silver anodized aluminum.

86.95 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Product no.: op016

27 mm. Silver anodized aluminum fot training spars.

54.45 *
Product no.: OP004E
227.48 *
Delivery weight: 5 kg

VAT 21% Included in price